Technical features
Two targets: Rh (50 kV, 600 μA, 30 W) with polycapillar optics and W (50 kV; 700 μA, 35 W) with collimator
Spot size of 20 μm (with Rh) and 1 mm (with W)
Two simoultaneous SDD detectors (30 mm2)
Five filters available for analyses
Vacuum up to 20 mbar
This instrument can be used for the study of heterogeneous materials where both the elemental analysis and the elemental spatial distribution (maps or profiles) is needed. The analysis can be carried out on several materials of different nature: biological samples and organic specimens as well as inorganic matrices such as soils, metals, composites, rocks, cultural heritage, and so on… The analysis is non-distructive and samples can be analysed without any preparation.