The Micro X-ray Lab was present at the International Congress “European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry 2022” that took place in Bruges (Belgium) from June 26 to July 1, 2022, and presented the following contributions:
“Direct use of TXRF spectral signal for multivariate data analysis: a new strategy for food fingerprint” – Dr. Ignazio Allegretta (oral presentation)
“Combined XRF techniques as a valuable tool for the study and early detection of plant viruses” – Dr. Carlo Porfido (oral presentation)
“Direct analysis of light elements in aluminosilicates using a Low-Z TXRF spectrometer” Dr. Ignazio Allegretta (poster presentation)
“Datamuncher Gamma”: a new tool for the analysis of SEM-EDX data – application to soil aggregates” Dr. Ignazio Allegretta (poster presentation)
“An integrated XRF techniques approach for the study of Pb bioavailability in a polluted firing range soil” Dr. Carlo Porfido (poster presentation)