Dr. Roberto Terzano is organizing the Special Symposium “Trace elements analysis of environmental samples with X-rays” which will take place during the “ICOBTE 2017” Conference in Zurich (Switzerland), 16-20 July 2017.
Dr. Roberto Terzano is organizing the Special Symposium “Trace elements analysis of environmental samples with X-rays” which will take place during the “ICOBTE 2017” Conference in Zurich (Switzerland), 16-20 July 2017.
The “Micro X-ray Lab” will participate to the ICHMET 2016 Conference “18th International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment”, which will take place in Ghent (Belgium) from 12 to 15 september 1 2016, with the oral contribution entitled “Alkaline Hydrothermal Stabilization of Cr(VI) in a Sandy Soil”.
The “Micro X-ray Lab” will participate to the ISA 2016 Conference “Analytical Spectroscopy Meeting”, which will take place in Matera from May 30 to June 1 2016, with the contribution entitled “Combined biological assays and X‐ray spectroscopy techniques to assess the bioavailability of arsenic in two industrial contaminated soils”.
Doctor Bart Vekemans of the University of Gent (Belgium) has been guest of the Micro X-ray Lab fro 6 to 11 march 2016. Continue